October Birthstone Guide

July Birthstone
July Stone of the month Ruby

Rubies, one of the most sought after gemstones, are the birthstone for the month of July. Rubies are made from Corundum, one of the hardest substances and thus Rubies are the second in hardness after Diamonds.

The name "Ruby" comes from the Latin word "ruber" which means RED, which reflects the color of the gemstone. Rubies are primarily used for ornamental jewelry. They are the perfect gemstones for creating high quality jewelry. They are strong, resistant to scratches and their color never fades out.

Rubies were mined some 2,500 years ago. The most beautiful rubies are found in Burma, quality rubies are found in the following countries: Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Afghanistan, India and many more.

Ancient traditional birthstones:
  • Arabic: Carnelian
  • Guardian Angel: Verchiel
  • Hebrew: Onyx
  • Hindu: Sapphire
  • His Talismanic Stone: Sapphire
  • Polish: Ruby
  • Roman: Onyx
  • Russian: Ruby

Rubies, known as "the king of gems", are traditional crystals for 15th and 40th anniversaries. Some of the qualities associated with this gemstone are vitality, confidence and strength.